
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Team GEN Magixien Talks About the Custom Firmware 6.20 GEN

So far, it would be possible to flash a PSP-3000, downgrading the firmware 5.03 and as well as a HEN on PSPGo and many more.

             Here is the message from Magixien, translated from French to English :
When you see the guy who laid Prometheus has allowed to renaming without our agreement, our Custom Firmware GEN was edited and released in public. This was the kind of things that demotivated us, and we feel like wasting time with people disrespectful of the rules on base and our team is focused for over a year on the PS3 (and yes, she had already hacked before PS JailBreak is out.).

Sony loves his PS3 and I prefer to come from the outer leaves laughing at the moment (as the beginners of the PSP to be more clear) So, to be sincere, 6.20GEN public will probably before the end of the year. For the rest, it remains to be seen.   
it looks like Team GEN is going to use the 6.20 HEN_TN concept from total_noob to flash the Custom Firmware 6.20 GEN. As he mentions the message above, we might see a new Custom Firmware from Team GEN before this Christmas.