
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

6.20 P-HEN R3 by Punker69

"6.20 P-HEN R3 by Punker69"

Well the source code of this P-HEN was Came From reversed hen of 6.20 TN-HEN.

Revision 1 Features:
Homebrew Supported.
Plugins Supported.
PSX Games Supported.

Revision 2 added Features
Vsh Menu Supported.
Punker69 Network Update.

Revision 3 added Features
*Vsh Menu 
*Plugin Manager
*Recovery Menu
*Read Iso [ Not Load :( ]

Known P-HEN R3 Bugs:
Wrong Spelled version ( P-HAN R3) suppose to be P-HEN R3  , Damn!

IF You Found Bugs Please Let me know it , Comment on my Blog


Total Noob For His HEN
HeroKing   For the Eboot icon :D    
Coldbird Vflame For His (satelite.prx and Recovery.prx)
Thanks to the Maker of EasyPBPPRX  (ability to shrinked and Encrypted Data)
TN-HEN Reversed Code (thanks to all who reversed)
Dark-Alex For His SDK (Psp-packer)
bbtgp for his prxencrypter (ability to sign hombrews)
Thanks to my Mom and my Family

Changelog: April 22 2011:

Revision1 :  First Released!

Changelog: April 24 2011:

Revision2:  Fix Bugs and add Features.

Changelog: April 26 2011:

Revision3:  Fix Bugs and add Features.
My Blog.

1 comment:

  1. Recovery Menu settings can't save.
    PSX Games (8010850E)
    PSP Games (80010002)
